
A thank you, Every day

A new year resolution to be thankful every day



Dead man walking

June 21, 2023

Our daily devotions team has been going through the story of Lazarus this week. I find the Lazarus incident very encouraging and hopeful.

Today anxiety won. Tomorrow hope will.

February 27, 2023

Real, honest and vulnerable: I feel defeated today, like many other days I’ve had. But I find that I am learning to run to God and seek His reassurance these days. The battle is not mine, but His.

Blah day

December 22, 2022

Kind of a challenging day. Figuring out things. Thinking about how another year is ending and I am stuck in the same place. Hurting. Frustrated. And at the same time thankful for just being alive and surrounded by family.

Let praise arise

December 19, 2022

You know those situations when you know a path isn’t meant for you and the people around you knows it as well, but everyone is standing around helpless, unable to do anything!? Well, that was my day.

Today started off in a lot of fear and anxiety. There was unrest in my soul about what was happening in my life.

I was reminded of an earlier time when the same scenario happened and also of the thanksgiving post I published once that hurdle passed. I experienced God’s concern and love that time. I went back to that post, read and re-read it. Honestly, despite His assurance that things are in His sovereign control, I was so so scared.

There were tons of desperate prayers and a truckload of anxiety, as I went about the day. But as He promised, God came through. He was good. He is forever good. He is faithful and true to His covenant. Once again, experienced His concern over my life. Thankful.

Defeated but alive

September 26, 2022

Well, still alive! Thankful.


September 12, 2022

Thankful for ability to laugh at myself. Thankful for laughter. Thankful for silly moments

July be July

July 25, 2022

I always had big hopes for July. But every year, it doesn’t turn out too great. Today, I am just burying all those hopes. No, not in a sad way. But just, am done with it kind. Thankful for the cute song though, loved making this reel.


Remember me

July 16, 2022

Today, this is my mental picture. Reminding God that I am still here, waiting on Him. But am thankful for all the lessons learnt in the waiting. Faith doesn’t grow when everything is green, it grows in parched lands and deserted spreads.

Shine under pressure

May 10, 2022

Season of sweating under pressure. Hopefully a diamond will come out of all this pain!

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